South Dakota Coalition speaks out against White Supremacy in South Dakota
This South Dakota coalition embraces the growing diversity of our state and proudly advocates for the equity of all historically marginalized communities in our state - equity of rights, resources, dignity and the ability to live freely without the fear of dehumanization.
In recent weeks, anti-Semitic literature and white supremacy stickers have been found on light poles, street signs and utility boxes around Sioux Falls, SD at Augustana University and the neighborhood near Jefferson High School and various places in the city of Brookings. Additionally, a rise in LGBTQ2S+ assaults have been reported out of Brookings.The media news site highlighted the presence of a white supremecist and Neo Nazi agent living in Brookings and his work to misinform and spread hate within our communities through podcasts and the dark web.
We believe that the impact of state politics eviscerating our public education system and creating a culture of silence on topics of diversity and inclusion, will create a comfortable environment for white supremacy to grow in a state where white supremacy group leaders have recently been identified. With the dismantling of the K-12 social studies standards, with introducing rules to teaching on “divisive concepts”, with the eradication of higher education “Diversity Offices,” with the infusion of (radical) Christian ideology framing proposed social studies standards, with the defunding of a Community Health Worker supporting the LGBTQ+ community and dehumanizing the same population through state laws, with disenfranchisement of Native American and multilingual communities’ votes, and with the power of white students in K-12 and higher education institutes to proclaim they do not have to learn about our great nation’s true history, racism and its impact, the foundation needed to grow white supremacy in South Dakota is clear.
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) identifies four hate groups in South Dakota. Two statewide white nationalist groups, one of general hate and one neo-Nazi group. The center of all of these ideologies are hate, fear-mongering of the threat of non-white, non-Christian, and LGBTQ2S+ individuals, and a warped sense of losing white superiority with the diversification of our country.
The ultimate goal of white supremacy culture is to continue the systemic oppression that perpetuates and maintains the social, political, historical and/or industrial white domination. In order to dismantle the bigotry and racism that is white supremacy culture, we must unite in message and take concrete actions to protect and advocate for all historically marginalized communities in South Dakota.
We call on public officials and community leaders to speak up and out against white supremacy in all of its forms and report crimes of hate to law enforcement and report incidents of hate to South Dakota Voices for Peace for data tracking
We are here and we are united. #HateHasNoHomeInSD.
“Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor.”
Ginetta Sagan (June 1, 1925 – August 25, 2000), Italian American Human Rights Activist.
South Dakota Voices for Peace
South Dakota Faith in Public Life
Transformation Project
Ace Academy
South Dakota Urban Indian Health
LEAD - Leaders Engaged and Determined
South Dakota African History Museum
Juneteenth Sioux Falls
South Dakotans Against Racism
Nieema Thasing, Chair of the Brookings Human Rights Commission
Sioux Falls Pride
Sioux Falls Pride Equity Network
South Dakota Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Pathways to Inclusive and Equitable Workplaces